
Bullet Diameter Neck Diameter Shoulder Diameter Base Diameter Rim Diameter Case Length Overall Length
.17 - 222 0.172 "
.17 - 223 0.172 " 0.203 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.760 " 2.150 "
.17 Ackley Bee 0.172 " 0.195 " 0.349 " 0.408 " 1.350 "
.17 Ackley Hornet 0.172 " 0.193 " 0.288 " 0.299 " 0.350 " 1.350 " 1.723 "
.17 Bumble Bee 0.172 " 0.197 " 0.340 " 0.350 " 0.408 " 0.920 "
.17 HMR (Hornady Magnum Rimfire) 0.172 " 0.190 " 0.238 " 0.286 " 1.058 " 1.349 "
.17 Hornet 0.172 " 0.193 " 0.299 " 0.350 " 1.350 " 1.723 "
.17 Libra 0.173 "
.17 Mach 2 0.172 " 0.180 " 0.226 " 0.275 " 0.714 " 1 "
.17 Mach IV 0.172 " 0.206 " 0.378 " 0.378 " 1.400 "
.17 Remington 0.172 " 0.199 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.796 " 2.150 "
.17 Remington Fireball 0.172 " 0.206 " 0.377 " 1.420 "
.17 Winchester Super Magnum 0.172 " 1.200 " 1.440 "
.20 Bench Rest 0.204 " 0.232 " 0.470 " 0.473 " 1.535 "
.20 PPC 0.204 "
.20 Tactical 0.204 " 0.233 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.760 " 2.130 "
.20 VARTARG 0.204 " 0.233 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.395 " 1.855 "
.20 VARTARG TURBO 0.204 "
.204 Ruger 0.204 " 0.231 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.850 " 2.260 "
.218 Bee 0.224 " 0.242 " 0.349 " 0.408 " 1.345 "
.219 Donaldson Wasp 0.224 " 0.250 " 0.406 " 0.416 " 0.506 " 1.750 " 2.250 "
.219 Wasp 0.224 "
.219 Zipper 0.225 " 0.253 " 0.422 " 0.506 " 1.938 " 2.260 "
.22 - 250 Remington 0.224 " 0.254 " 0.469 " 0.473 " 1.912 " 2.350 "
.22 ARC (Advanced Rifle Cartridge) 0.224 "
.22 BB Cap 0.222 " 0.224 " 0.224 " 0.270 " 0.284 " 0.343 "
.22 Bench Rest Remington 0.224 " 0.246 " 0.467 " 0.473 " 1.520 "
.22 CB Cap 0.222 " 0.225 " 0.225 " 0.271 " 0.284 " 0.520 "
.22 Cheetah Mark II 0.224 "
.22 Creedmoor 0.224 "
.22 Extra L.R. 0.223 " 0.225 " 0.225 " 0.275 " 0.750 " 1.160 "
.22 Extra Long 0.223 " 0.225 " 0.225 " 0.275 " 0.750 " 1.160 "
.22 GT 0.224 "
.22 Hornet 0.224 " 0.243 " 0.298 " 0.350 " 1.403 "
.22 K-Hornet 0.224 "
.22 Long 0.222 " 0.226 " 0.226 " 0.278 " 0.613 " 0.888 "
.22 Long Rifle 0.223 " 0.226 " 0.226 " 0.278 " 0.613 " 1 "
.22 Long Rifle Shot Claybirding
.22 Long Shot
.22 Nosler 0.225 " 0.255 " 0.400 " 0.421 " 0.378 " 1.760 " 2.260 "
.22 PPC-USA 0.224 " 0.246 " 0.440 " 0.441 " 1.515 " 2.100 "
.22 Remington Auto 0.223 " 0.245 " 0.245 " 0.290 " 0.663 " 0.920 "
.22 Remington Jet Magnum 0.222 " 0.247 " 0.376 " 0.440 " 1.280 " 1.580 "
.22 Savage 0.227 " 0.252 " 0.416 " 0.500 " 2.050 " 2.510 "
.22 Short 0.222 " 0.226 " 0.226 " 0.278 " 0.421 " 0.695 "
.22 TCM 0.224 " 0.255 " 0.362 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.022 " 1.265 "
.22 Winchester Auto 0.222 " 0.250 " 0.250 " 0.310 " 0.665 " 0.915 "
.22 Winchester Rim Fire et 22 Remington Special 0.224 " 0.242 " 0.242 " 0.294 " 0.965 " 1.180 "
.22 WMR (Winchester Magnum Rim Fire) 0.229 " 0.244 " 0.246 " 0.300 " 1.055 " 1.350 "
.22-6mm 0.224 "
.220 Jaybird 0.224 "
.220 Swift 0.224 " 0.260 " 0.445 " 0.473 " 2.205 " 2.580 "
.221 Remington Fireball 0.224 " 0.253 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.400 " 1.830 "
.222 R Stief
.222 Remington 0.224 " 0.253 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.700 " 2.130 "
.222 Remington Magnum 0.224 " 0.253 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.850 " 2.280 "
.223 Ackley Improved 0.224 " 0.253 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.760 " 2.260 "
.223 Remington 0.224 " 0.253 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.760 " 2.260 "
.223 WSSM (Winchester Super Short Magnum) 0.224 " 0.272 " 0.555 " 0.535 " 1.670 " 2.360 "
.224 Valkyrie 0.225 " 0.256 " 0.421 " 0.422 " 1.600 " 2.260 "
.224 Weatherby Magnum 0.224 " 0.252 " 0.415 " 0.430 " 1.923 " 2.330 "
.225 Winchester 0.224 " 0.260 " 0.422 " 0.473 " 1.930 " 2.500 "
.24 Nosler 0.243 " 0.378 " 0.378 " 1.600 " 2.260 "
.240 Belted Rimless Nitro Express
.240 Flanged Nitro Express
.240 Weatherby Magnum 0.243 " 0.272 " 0.453 " 0.472 " 2.496 " 3.100 "
.243 Winchester 0.243 " 0.276 " 0.471 " 0.473 " 2.045 " 2.710 "
.243 WSSM (Winchester Super Short Magnum) 0.243 " 0.291 " 0.555 " 0.535 " 1.670 " 2.360 "
.244 Holland and Holland Magnum 0.245 " 0.263 " 0.508 " 0.532 " 2.780 " 3.580 "
.25 - 06 Remington 0.257 " 0.290 " 0.470 " 0.473 " 2.494 " 3.250 "
.25 - 20 Winchester 0.258 " 0.274 " 0.349 " 0.408 " 1.330 " 1.592 "
.25 - 284 0.257 "
.25 - 35 Winchester 0.258 " 0.282 " 0.422 " 0.506 " 2.043 " 2.550 "
.25 North American Arms 0.251 " 0.276 " 0.337 " 0.337 " 0.745 " 0.960 "
.25 Remington 0.258 " 0.286 " 0.417 " 0.419 " 2.050 " 2.530 "
.25 WSSM (Winchester Super Short Magnum) 0.257 " 0.305 " 0.555 " 0.535 " 1.670 " 2.360 "
.250 Savage 0.257 " 0.286 " 0.469 " 0.473 " 1.912 " 2.515 "
.255 GS
.256 Magnum Gibbs 0.264 " 0.292 " 0.471 " 0.474 " 2.170 " 3.090 "
.256 Winchester Magnum 0.257 " 0.285 " 0.381 " 0.440 " 1.281 " 1.590 "
.257 Durham Jet Wildcat 0.257 "
.257 Kimber 0.257 "
.257 Roberts 0.257 " 0.290 " 0.472 " 0.473 " 2.233 " 2.775 "
.257 Roberts Improved 0.257 "
.257 Weatherby Magnum 0.257 " 0.283 " 0.512 " 0.532 " 2.545 " 3.209 "
.26 Nosler 0.265 " 0.297 " 0.528 " 0.550 " 0.534 " 2.590 " 3.340 "
.260 PICRA
.260 Remington 0.264 " 0.297 " 0.471 " 0.473 " 2.035 " 2.800 "
.264 Leroy Nitro Express
.264 Winchester Magnum 0.264 " 0.299 " 0.515 " 0.532 " 2.500 " 3.340 "
.27 Nosler 0.278 " 0.314 " 0.528 " 0.550 " 0.534 " 2.590 " 3.340 "
.270 R.E.N. 0.277 "
.270 Weatherby Magnum 0.277 " 0.303 " 0.512 " 0.531 " 2.550 " 3.250 "
.270 Winchester 0.277 " 0.308 " 0.470 " 0.473 " 2.540 " 3.340 "
.270 WSM (Winchester Short Magnum) 0.277 " 0.314 " 0.555 " 0.535 " 2.100 " 2.860 "
.275 Belted Nitro Express
.275 H.V. Rigby 0.285 " 0.325 " 0.473 " 0.476 " 2.244 " 3.071 "
.277 GS
.28 Nosler 0.284 " 0.320 " 0.528 " 0.550 " 0.534 " 2.590 " 3.340 "
.280 Ackley Improved 0.284 "
.280 Flanged Nitro Express 0.287 " 0.316 " 0.535 " 0.607 " 2.600 " 3.620 "
.280 Remington 0.284 " 0.315 " 0.470 " 0.473 " 2.540 " 3.330 "
.280 Rimless Nitro Express Ross
.284 Shehane
.284 Tony
.284 Winchester 0.284 " 0.320 " 0.501 " 0.473 " 2.170 " 2.800 "
.297/230 Morris Long 0.225 " 0.240 " 0.294 " 0.347 " 0.580 " 0.890 "
.297/230 Morris Short
.30 - 06 Ackley Improved 0.308 "
.30 - 06 Court Cartry
.30 - 06 R Stief
.30 - 06 Springfield 0.308 " 0.340 " 0.471 " 0.473 " 2.494 " 3.340 "
.30 - 284 NOLASCO
.30 - 284 Winchester
.30 - 30 Winchester 0.308 " 0.330 " 0.422 " 0.506 " 2.039 " 2.550 "
.30 - 338 Prechtl Magnum
.30 - 357 AeT
.30 - 378 Weatherby Magnum 0.308 " 0.337 " 0.561 " 0.582 " 0.579 " 2.913 " 3.690 "
.30 - 40 Krag 0.308 " 0.338 " 0.457 " 0.545 " 2.314 " 3.089 "
.30 - 47 GS
.30 Bench Rest 0.308 "
.30 Carbine 0.308 " 0.331 " 0.354 " 0.360 " 1.290 " 1.650 "
.30 Court
.30 Flanged Nitro Express Purdey
.30 Herrett 0.308 "
.30 Nosler 0.308 " 0.344 " 0.528 " 0.550 " 0.534 " 2.556 " 3.340 "
.30 R Blaser 0.308 " 0.344 " 0.531 " 0.470 " 2.677 " 3.740 "
.30 Remington 0.308 " 0.421 " 0.422 " 2.060 " 2.525 "
.30 Remington AR 0.308 " 0.500 " 0.473 " 1.530 " 2.260 "
.30 Super Bl Rimless Holland and Holland
.30 Super Carry 0.313 " 0.337 " 0.338 " 0.342 " 0.344 " 0.827 "
.30 Super Flanged Holland and Holland
.30 Thompson / Center 0.308 " 1.920 "
.300 AAC Blackout 0.308 " 0.334 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.368 " 2.260 "
.300 Blacktornado
.300 Blaser Magnum
.300 CR
.300 Dakota 0.308 "
.300 HAM'R 0.309 " 1.603 " 2.260 "
.300 Holland and Holland Magnum 0.308 " 0.338 " 0.450 " 0.513 " 0.532 " 2.850 " 3.600 "
.300 Lapua Magnum 0.308 " 0.344 " 0.587 " 0.588 " 2.745 " 3.720 "
.300 Norma Magnum 0.308 " 0.342 " 0.585 " 0.588 " 2.492 " 3.681 "
.300 Pegasus
.300 PRC (Precision Rifle Cartridge) 0.308 " 0.309 " 0.532 " 2.580 " 3.700 "
.300 RCM (Ruger Compact Magnum) 0.308 " 0.340 " 0.532 " 0.532 " 2.100 " 2.825 "
.300 Remington SAUM (Short Action Ultra Magnum) 0.308 " 0.344 " 0.550 " 0.534 " 2.015 " 2.825 "
.300 RUM (Remington Ultra Magnum) 0.308 " 0.344 " 0.550 " 0.534 " 2.850 " 3.600 "
.300 Savage 0.308 " 0.339 " 0.471 " 0.473 " 1.871 " 2.600 "
.300 Sherwood 0.300 " 0.318 " 0.320 " 0.370 " 1.540 " 2.020 "
.300 Weatherby Magnum 0.308 " 0.336 " 0.512 " 0.531 " 2.825 " 3.562 "
.300 Whisper 0.308 " 0.333 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.374 " 2.244 "
.300 Winchester Magnum 0.308 " 0.339 " 0.513 " 0.532 " 2.620 " 3.340 "
.300 WSM (Winchester Short Magnum) 0.308 " 0.344 " 0.555 " 0.535 " 2.100 " 2.860 "
.300/295 Rook Rifle
.303 British 0.312 " 0.340 " 0.460 " 0.540 " 2.222 " 3.075 "
.303 Savage 0.308 " 0.333 " 0.442 " 0.505 " 2.015 " 2.520 "
.303 Sporting
.307 Winchester 0.308 "
.308 EH
.308 Marlin Express 0.308 " 0.344 " 0.470 " 0.508 " 1.910 " 2.600 "
.308 Match
.308 Norma Magnum 0.308 " 0.340 " 0.513 " 0.531 " 2.560 " 3.300 "
.308 Winchester 0.308 " 0.343 " 0.471 " 0.473 " 2.015 " 2.800 "
.309 JDJ 0.308 "
.310 Cadet Rifle 0.323 " 0.354 " 0.405 " 1.075 " 1.492 "
.318 Rimless Nitro Express
.32 - 20 Winchester 0.313 " 0.327 " 0.354 " 0.408 " 1.315 " 1.592 "
.32 - 40 Winchester 0.320 " 0.338 " 0.424 " 0.506 " 2.130 " 2.590 "
.32 H&R Magnum 0.312 " 0.337 " 0.337 " 0.375 " 1.075 " 1.350 "
.32 Long Colt 0.312 " 0.313 " 0.318 " 0.374 " 0.920 " 1.260 "
.32 North American Arms 0.313 " 0.337 " 0.374 " 0.374 " 0.680 " 0.984 "
.32 Remington 0.321 " 0.341 " 0.418 " 0.418 " 2.060 " 2.540 "
.32 Short Colt
.32 Smith & Wesson 0.312 " 0.334 " 0.335 " 0.375 " 0.610 " 0.920 "
.32 Smith & Wesson Long 0.312 " 0.337 " 0.375 " 0.920 " 1.280 "
.32 Smith & Wesson Long Wad Cutter 0.315 " 0.337 " 0.375 " 0.920 " 0.960 "
.32 Winchester Self Loading 0.321 " 0.347 " 0.349 " 0.390 " 1.240 " 1.880 "
.32 Winchester Special 0.321 " 0.343 " 0.422 " 0.506 " 2.040 " 2.565 "
.320 Long
.320 Short
.325 WSM (Winchester Short Magnum) 0.323 " 0.350 " 0.555 " 0.535 " 2.100 " 2.860 "
.327 Federal Magnum 0.312 " 0.337 " 0.337 " 0.375 " 1.200 " 1.470 "
.33 Nosler 0.338 " 0.368 " 0.528 " 0.550 " 0.534 " 2.460 " 3.340 "
.33 Winchester 0.338 " 0.365 " 0.443 " 0.508 " 0.610 " 2.110 " 2.800 "
.330 Dakota 0.338 "
.333 Rimless Nitro Express 0.333 " 0.359 " 0.540 " 0.538 " 2.480 " 3.480 "
.338 - 06 0.338 " 0.369 " 0.441 " 0.472 " 0.473 " 2.494 " 3.370 "
.338 - 378 Weatherby Magnum 0.338 " 0.361 " 0.582 " 0.603 " 2.905 " 3.650 "
.338 Blaser Magnum
.338 Federal 0.338 " 0.369 " 0.470 " 0.473 " 2.010 " 2.750 "
.338 JDJ #2 0.338 "
.338 Lapua Magnum 0.338 " 0.372 " 0.587 " 0.588 " 2.724 " 3.681 "
.338 Marlin Express 0.338 "
.338 Norma Magnum 0.339 " 0.370 " 0.585 " 0.588 " 2.492 " 3.681 "
.338 RCM (Ruger Compact Magnum) 0.338 " 0.405 " 0.532 " 0.532 " 2.015 " 2.840 "
.338 RUM (Remington Ultra Magnum) 0.338 " 0.371 " 0.550 " 0.534 " 2.760 " 3.600 "
.338 Weatherby RPM (Rebated Precision Magnum) 0.338 "
.338 Winchester Magnum 0.338 " 0.369 " 0.513 " 0.532 " 2.500 " 3.340 "
.338 WSM (Winchester Short Magnum) 0.338 "
.340 Weatherby Magnum 0.338 " 0.366 " 0.513 " 0.530 " 2.820 " 3.600 "
.348 Winchester 0.348 " 0.379 " 0.553 " 0.610 " 2.255 " 2.795 "
.35 Remington 0.358 " 0.384 " 0.458 " 0.460 " 1.920 " 2.525 "
.35 Whelen 0.358 " 0.385 " 0.472 " 0.473 " 2.494 " 3.340 "
.35 Winchester 0.358 " 0.378 " 0.457 " 0.539 " 2.410 " 3.160 "
.35 Winchester Self Loading 0.351 " 0.377 " 0.381 " 0.405 " 1.154 " 1.650 "
.350 Legend 0.357 " 0.378 " 0.390 " 0.378 " 1.710 " 2.260 "
.350 Magnum Rigby 0.358 " 0.383 " 0.517 " 0.534 " 2.742 " 3.440 "
.350 No. 2 Rigby
.350 Remington Magnum 0.358 " 0.388 " 0.532 " 0.532 " 2.170 " 2.800 "
.350 Rigby Magnum
.350 Rigby No. 2
.351 Winchester Self Loading 0.352 " 0.373 " 0.377 " 0.407 " 1.375 " 1.906 "
.356 Winchester 0.358 " 0.388 " 0.470 " 0.506 " 2.015 " 2.560 "
.357 / 44 Bain & Davis 0.357 " 0.384 " 0.455 " 0.457 " 0.514 " 1.280 " 1.610 "
.357 Auto Magnum
.357 Herrett 0.357 "
.357 Magnum 0.357 " 0.379 " 0.379 " 0.440 " 1.290 " 1.590 "
.357 Magnum (Carbine)
.357 Maximum 0.357 " 0.379 " 0.379 " 0.440 " 1.605 " 1.990 "
.357 SIG 0.355 " 0.381 " 0.424 " 0.424 " 0.865 " 1.140 "
.358 Norma Magnum 0.358 " 0.388 " 0.490 " 0.513 " 0.531 " 2.520 " 3.346 "
.358 Shooting Times Alaskan 0.358 "
.358 Winchester 0.358 " 0.388 " 0.470 " 0.473 " 2.015 " 2.780 "
.360 Buckhammer 0.359 " 0.380 " 0.420 " 0.506 " 1.800 " 2.500 "
.360 Nitro Express 21/4
.369 Nitro Express Purdey 0.375 " 0.398 " 0.543 " 0.616 " 2.690 " 3.600 "
.370 Sako Magnum
.375 Blaser Magnum
.375 Chey Tac 0.408 " 0.438 " 0.637 " 0.640 " 3.040 " 4.547 "
.375 Dakota 0.375 " 0.400 " 0.545 " 0.543 " 2.570 "
.375 Flanged Magnum Nitro Express 0.375 " 0.397 " 0.456 " 0.523 " 2.500 " 3.100 "
.375 Flanged Nitro Express 21/2
.375 Hölderlin
.375 Holland and Holland Magnum 0.376 " 0.402 " 0.448 " 0.513 " 0.532 " 2.850 " 3.600 "
.375 JDJ 0.375 "
.375 R Hölderlin
.375 R Verney-Carron
.375 Ruger 0.375 " 0.405 " 0.532 " 0.532 " 2.580 " 3.340 "
.375 RUM (Remington Ultra Magnum) 0.375 " 0.550 " 3.600 "
.375 Scovill 0.375 "
.375 Super Magnum 0.375 "
.375 SWISS P
.375 Weatherby Magnum 0.375 " 0.402 " 0.512 " 0.532 " 2.860 " 3.600 "
.375 Winchester 0.375 " 0.400 " 0.420 " 0.506 " 2.020 " 2.560 "
.376 Steyr 0.375 " 0.398 " 0.501 " 0.494 " 2.350 "
.378 Weatherby Magnum 0.375 " 0.399 " 0.582 " 0.579 " 2.913 " 3.650 "
.38 - 40 Winchester 0.401 " 0.416 " 0.465 " 0.520 " 1.300 " 1.590 "
.38 - 45 Auto Colt Pistol 0.357 " 0.470 " 0.471 " 0.880 " 1.220 "
.38 - 55 Winchester 0.378 " 0.392 " 0.421 " 0.506 " 2.085 " 2.510 "
.38 Automatic 0.356 " 0.384 " 0.384 " 0.406 " 0.900 " 1.280 "
.38 Long Colt 0.361 " 0.381 " 0.381 " 0.445 " 1.031 "
.38 Short Colt 0.375 " 0.379 " 0.379 " 0.445 " 0.765 "
.38 Smith & Wesson, Colt New Police 0.361 " 0.386 " 0.387 " 0.440 " 0.775 " 1.240 "
.38 Special 0.357 " 0.379 " 0.379 " 0.440 " 1.155 " 1.550 "
.38 Special (Carbine)
.38 Special AMU
.38 Special Wad Cutter
.38 Super Auto 0.356 " 0.385 " 0.385 " 0.406 " 0.895 " 1.280 "
.38/357 FX
.380 Long 0.375 " 0.379 " 0.380 " 0.430 " 0.944 " 1.340 "
.380 Long Rifle
.380 Short
.4 Bore Rifle
.40 - 60 Winchester
.40 - 65 Winchester 0.406 " 0.423 " 0.504 " 0.604 " 2.100 " 2.480 "
.40 - 82 Winchester
.40 Smith & Wesson 0.400 " 0.423 " 0.424 " 0.424 " 0.850 " 1.135 "
.400 Holland and Holland Belted Magnum 0.411 " 0.441 " 0.513 " 0.532 " 2.846 " 3.550 "
.400 Legend 0.401 " 0.427 " 0.440 " 0.422 " 1.650 " 2.260 "
.400 Purdey 3” 0.405 " 0.427 " 0.469 " 0.516 " 3.600 "
.400/350 Nitro Express 0.358 " 0.380 " 0.470 " 0.520 " 2.750 " 3.685 "
.401 Winchester Self Loading 0.407 " 0.428 " 0.429 " 0.457 " 1.500 " 2.005 "
.404 Rimless Nitro Express 0.422 " 0.452 " 0.545 " 0.543 " 2.875 " 3.530 "
.405 Winchester 0.412 " 0.436 " 0.461 " 0.543 " 2.583 " 3.175 "
.408 Chey Tac 0.408 " 0.438 " 0.637 " 0.640 " 3.040 " 4.547 "
.408 Winchester
.41 AE 0.410 " 0.434 " 0.435 " 0.394 " 0.866 " 1.170 "
.41 Long Colt 0.386 " 1.138 "
.41 Remington Magnum 0.410 " 0.434 " 0.434 " 0.492 " 1.290 " 1.590 "
.416 A-TEC
.416 Barrett 0.416 " 0.465 " 0.797 " 3.270 " 4.580 "
.416 Dakota 0.416 "
.416 Remington Magnum 0.416 " 0.447 " 0.513 " 0.532 " 2.850 " 3.600 "
.416 Rigby 0.416 " 0.446 " 0.589 " 0.590 " 2.900 " 3.750 "
.416 Rigby N°2
.416 Ruger 0.416 " 0.532 " 0.532 " 2.572 " 3.340 "
.416 Taylor Magnum 0.416 " 0.447 " 0.512 " 0.532 " 2.500 " 3.340 "
.416 TYR
.416 Weatherby Magnum 0.416 " 0.444 " 0.582 " 0.579 " 2.913 " 3.750 "
.44 - 40 Winchester 0.427 " 0.443 " 0.471 " 0.525 " 1.310 "
.44 Auto Magnum 0.430 "
.44 Colt 0.451 " 0.456 " 0.483 " 1.100 " 1.500 "
.44 Remington Magnum 0.429 " 0.457 " 0.514 " 0.457 " 0.514 " 1.285 " 1.610 "
.44 Remington Magnum (Carbine)
.44 Smith & Wesson Russian 0.429 " 0.457 " 0.457 " 0.515 " 0.970 " 1.430 "
.44 Smith & Wesson Special 0.429 " 0.457 " 0.457 " 0.514 " 1.160 " 1.615 "
.44 Smith & Wesson Special (Carbine)
.444 Marlin 0.429 " 0.453 " 0.471 " 0.514 " 2.225 " 2.550 "
.445 Super Magnum 0.432 " 0.432 " 0.456 " 0.457 " 0.514 " 1.610 "
.45 - 110 Sharps 2"7/8 0.458 "
.45 - 120 Sharps 3"1/4 0.458 "
.45 - 60 Winchester
.45 - 70 Elko Magnum
.45 - 70 Government 0.458 " 0.480 " 0.505 " 0.608 " 2.105 " 2.550 "
.45 - 75 Winchester
.45 - 90 WM
.45 Auto 0.451 " 0.473 " 0.476 " 0.480 " 0.898 " 1.275 "
.45 Auto Rim 0.452 " 0.469 " 0.471 " 0.515 " 0.900 " 1.265 "
.45 Blaser
.45 Colt 0.452 " 0.480 " 0.480 " 0.512 " 1.285 " 1.600 "
.45 Colt (Carbine)
.45 GAP (Glock Automatic Pistol) 0.451 " 0.755 " 1.070 "
.45 HP
.45 Smith & Wesson Schofield 0.454 " 0.477 " 0.522 " 0.477 " 0.522 " 1.100 " 1.430 "
.45 Smith & Wesson Schofield (Carbine)
.45 SUPER 0.451 " 0.473 " 0.480 " 0.476 " 0.480 " 0.898 " 1.275 "
.45 Winchester Magnum 0.452 " 0.473 " 0.476 " 0.480 " 1.198 " 1.575 "
.45-120 Sharps 0.458 "
.450 Bushmaster 0.452 " 0.480 " 0.500 " 0.473 " 1.700 " 2.260 "
.450 Extreme 0.452 "
.450 Marlin 0.458 " 0.528 " 2.100 " 2.550 "
.450 N° 2 Nitro Express 3"1/2Eley
.450 Nitro Express 3" 1/4
.450 Rigby 0.458 " 0.487 " 0.589 " 0.590 " 2.894 " 3.750 "
.450 SCH
.450 Short
.450/400 Magnum Nitro Express 31/4
.450/400 Nitro Express 3 0.410 "
.454 Casull 0.452 " 0.480 " 0.480 " 0.512 " 1.383 " 1.770 "
.455 MK II
.457 Wild West Guns 0.458 "
.458 Lott 0.458 " 0.481 " 0.513 " 0.532 " 2.800 " 3.600 "
.458 Socom 0.458 " 0.485 " 0.541 " 0.473 " 1.575 " 2.260 "
.458 Winchester Magnum 0.458 " 0.481 " 0.513 " 0.532 " 2.500 " 3.340 "
.460 Rowland 0.452 " 0.955 " 0.476 " 0.476 " 0.473 " 1.275 "
.460 Smith & Wesson Magnum 0.452 " 0.478 " 0.478 " 0.520 " 1.800 " 2.300 "
.460 Steyr
.460 Weatherby Magnum 0.458 " 0.481 " 0.582 " 0.579 " 2.913 " 3.650 "
.465 Holland and Holland Belted Magnum 0.468 " 0.494 " 0.582 " 0.579 " 2.894 " 3.550 "
.470 Nitro Express 0.474 " 0.504 " 0.573 " 0.655 " 3.250 " 3.980 "
.475 Linebaugh 0.475 " 0.504 " 0.504 " 0.540 " 1.400 " 1.770 "
.475 MAXIMUM 0.475 "
.475 N° 2 Nitro Express 3"1/2 Jeffery
.475 N° 2 Nitro Express 31/2
.480 Ruger 0.475 " 0.504 " 0.504 " 0.540 " 1.285 " 1.650 "
.50 - 140 Sharps 0.512 " 0.529 " 0.551 " 0.652 " 3.250 " 3.950 "
.50 - 70 Government 0.515 " 0.535 " 0.565 " 0.660 " 1.750 " 2.250 "
.50 - 90 Sharps 2" 1/2 0.512 " 0.528 " 0.585 " 0.663 " 2.500 " 3.200 "
.50 - 95 Winchester
.50 AE 0.500 " 0.540 " 0.547 " 0.514 " 1.285 " 1.610 "
.50 Alaskan 0.510 " 0.536 " 0.553 " 0.610 " 2.100 "
.50 Beowulf 0.500 " 0.525 " 0.535 " 0.445 " 1.650 " 2.125 "
.50 Browning 0.510 " 0.560 " 0.804 " 0.804 " 3.910 " 5.450 "
.500 Al Sharqi
.500 CYRUS 0.500 "
.500 Jeffery 0.510 " 0.538 " 0.619 " 0.575 " 2.750 " 3.460 "
.500 Linebaugh 0.510 " 0.540 " 0.553 " 0.610 " 1.405 " 1.755 "
.500 MAXIMUM 0.512 " 0.600 " 1.610 "
.500 Nitro Express 3" 0.510 " 0.532 " 0.574 " 0.655 " 3 " 3.750 "
.500 Smith & Wesson Magnum 0.500 " 0.526 " 0.526 " 0.556 " 1.625 " 2.300 "
.500 TLD
.500 Wyoming Express 0.500 " 1.370 " 1.765 "
.500/416 Nitro Express 3"1/4
.500/465 Nitro Express 0.467 " 0.488 " 0.570 " 0.645 " 3.250 " 3.910 "
.505 Magnum Gibbs 0.505 " 0.535 " 0.640 " 0.640 " 3.150 " 3.850 "
.510 DTC 0.510 " 0.560 " 0.800 " 3.810 "
.550 Magnum 0.550 "
.56/50 Spencer 0.550 " 0.560 " 0.560 " 0.645 " 0.875 " 1.545 "
.577 Nitro Express 3" 0.585 " 0.610 " 0.660 " 0.748 " 3 " 3.700 "
.577 Solid Snider 0.570 " 0.602 " 0.660 " 0.747 " 2 " 2.450 "
.577/450 Solid Mart.H.
.600 Nitro Express 0.620 " 0.648 " 0.697 " 0.805 " 3.680 "
.7 - 270 WSM (Winchester Short Magnum)
.700 Holland and Holland Nitro Express 0.700 " 0.730 " 0.780 " 0.890 " 3.500 " 4.200 "
.9 - 45 VAC
10 mm Auto 0.400 " 0.423 " 0.425 " 0.425 " 0.992 " 1.260 "
10 mm FAR
10 x 100 BWA
10 x 22 T
10.3 Capra
10.3 CSP
10.3 x 60 R
10.3 x 68 Magnum
10.4 Ord. It.
10.75 x 68 0.424 " 0.453 " 0.495 " 0.495 " 2.677 " 3.189 "
11 mm 73
11.15 x 60 R
11.5 x 51
12.7 x 108 0.511 " 0.549 " 0.856 " 0.854 " 4.300 " 5.807 "
12.7 x 42
12.7 x 70 (500 Schüler)
12.7 x 99 mm
4 mm Randz. court
4 mm Randz. long
4.6 x 30 0.183 " 0.209 " 0.316 " 0.315 " 1.201 " 1.516 "
5 mm / 35 SMc
5 mm Remington Magnum 0.204 " 0.225 " 0.259 " 0.325 " 1.020 " 1.300 "
5.45 x 18 0.222 " 0.246 " 0.301 " 0.301 " 0.710 " 0.984 "
5.45 x 39
5.56 x 45 mm 0.224 " 0.253 " 0.354 " 0.376 " 0.378 " 1.760 " 2.260 "
5.6 mm (22) Flobert à balle
5.6 mm Flobert à plombs DC
5.6 mm Flobert à plombs SC
5.6 x 35 R
5.6 x 39
5.6 x 50 Magnum 0.224 " 0.254 " 0.355 " 0.375 " 0.376 " 1.970 " 2.210 "
5.6 x 50 R Magnum
5.6 x 52 R 0.228 " 0.254 " 0.360 " 0.423 " 0.506 " 2.050 " 2.510 "
5.6 x 57 0.224 "
5.6 x 57 R
5.6 x 61 R Super Express vom Hofe
5.6 x 61 Super Express vom Hofe
5.6 x 70 R
5.7 x 28 0.224 " 0.251 " 0.313 " 0.307 " 1.138 " 1.594 "
5.75 Velodog
6 - 6.5 x 47 0.243 "
6 mm - 204 RR 0.243 "
6 mm - 222 0.243 "
6 mm - 250 0.243 " 1.912 "
6 mm - 284 0.243 "
6 mm ARC (Advanced Rifle Cartridge) 0.243 " 0.274 " 0.430 " 0.441 " 0.441 " 1.490 " 2.260 "
6 mm Bench Rest Farè
6 mm Bench Rest Norma 0.243 " 0.270 " 0.458 " 0.473 " 0.471 " 1.560 " 2.441 "
6 mm Bench Rest Remington 0.243 " 0.270 " 0.473 " 1.560 "
6 mm Creedmoor 0.243 " 1.920 " 2.825 "
6 mm D.B.G.
6 mm Dasher 0.243 "
6 mm Flobert à balle
6 mm Flobert à balle DC
6 mm ME Flobert court
6 mm PPC 0.243 " 0.262 " 0.441 " 0.445 " 1.515 " 2.100 "
6 mm PPC ITA
6 mm PPC-USA 0.243 " 0.262 " 0.431 " 0.441 " 0.445 " 1.515 " 2.100 "
6 mm Remington (.244 Remington) 0.244 " 0.276 " 0.471 " 0.473 " 2.233 " 2.825 "
6 mm TCU (Thompson / Center Ugalde) 0.243 "
6 x 45 mm 0.243 " 0.272 " 0.377 " 0.378 " 1.760 "
6 x 47 ATZL
6 x 47 SM 0.243 "
6 x 50 R Scheiring
6 x 51 ATZL
6 x 52 R BB2
6 x 52 R Bretschneider
6 x 62 Freres
6 x 62 R Freres
6 x 70 R
6 XC 0.243 " 0.269 " 0.466 " 0.467 " 1.890 " 2.500 "
6.3 x 57 Farè
6.35 Browning (.25 ACP) 0.251 " 0.276 " 0.278 " 0.302 " 0.615 " 0.910 "
6.5 - 300 Weatherby Magnum 0.264 " 0.512 " 0.532 " 2.825 " 3.600 "
6.5 Creedmoor 0.264 " 0.295 " 0.470 " 0.473 " 1.920 " 2.825 "
6.5 GAP (Glock Automatic Pistol) 4S
6.5 Grendel 0.264 " 0.293 " 0.439 " 0.440 " 1.520 " 2.260 "
6.5 JDJ 0.264 "
6.5 mm - 06 0.264 " 0.296 " 0.470 " 0.473 " 2.494 " 3.440 "
6.5 mm - 284 Norma 0.264 " 0.297 " 0.501 " 0.473 " 2.170 " 3.228 "
6.5 mm Bench Rest 0.264 "
6.5 mm D.B.G.
6.5 mm JDJ 0.264 "
6.5 mm Lahoz
6.5 mm Remington Magnum 0.264 " 0.298 " 0.532 " 0.532 " 2.170 " 2.800 "
6.5 mm TCU (Thompson / Center Ugalde) 0.264 "
6.5 PRC (Precision Rifle Cartridge) 0.264 "
6.5 Weatherby RPM (Rebated Precision Magnum) 0.264 " 2.570 " 3.340 "
6.5 x 39
6.5 x 47 Lapua 0.264 " 0.292 " 0.470 " 0.473 " 1.850 " 2.795 "
6.5 x 50 R 0.264 " 0.289 " 0.417 " 0.447 " 0.466 " 1.984 " 2.980 "
6.5 x 51 R (Arisaka)
6.5 x 52 Carcano 0.268 " 0.296 " 0.450 " 0.450 " 2.067 "
6.5 x 52 R
6.5 x 52 R K&S
6.5 x 54 Mannlicher–Schoenauer 0.264 " 0.295 " 0.452 " 0.454 " 2.110 " 3 "
6.5 x 54 Mauser
6.5 x 55 SE 0.264 " 0.299 " 0.480 " 0.480 " 2.165 " 3.150 "
6.5 x 55 T.R.I.
6.5 x 57 0.264 " 0.301 " 0.469 " 0.470 " 2.232 " 3.228 "
6.5 x 57 R
6.5 x 58 Mauser 0.260 "
6.5 x 58 R
6.5 x 63 Messner Magnum
6.5 x 64
6.5 x 64 Brenneke
6.5 x 65 R RWS
6.5 x 65 RWS
6.5 x 68 0.264 " 0.299 " 0.524 " 0.512 " 2.657 " 3.406 "
6.5 x 68 R
6.5 x 70 R
6.8 mm Remington SPC 0.277 " 0.298 " 0.421 " 0.422 " 1.667 " 2.260 "
6.8 Western 0.278 " 2.020 " 2.955 "
6GT 0.243 "
7 - 30 Waters 0.284 " 0.306 " 0.422 " 0.506 " 2.040 " 2.520 "
7 - 47 GS
7 mm - 08 Remington 0.284 " 0.315 " 0.470 " 0.473 " 2.035 " 2.800 "
7 mm Bench Rest Remington 0.284 " 0.315 " 0.473 " 1.520 "
7 mm Blaser Magnum
7 mm Express Remington 0.284 " 0.315 " 0.441 " 0.470 " 0.473 " 2.540 " 3.330 "
7 mm IHMSA 0.284 "
7 mm KM
7 mm Magnum Flanged Holland and Holland
7 mm Penna L
7 mm PRC (Precision Rifle Cartridge) 0.284 "
7 mm Remington Magnum 0.284 " 0.315 " 0.512 " 0.532 " 2.500 " 3.290 "
7 mm Remington SAUM (Short Action Ultra Magnum) 0.284 " 0.320 " 0.536 " 0.534 " 2.035 " 2.825 "
7 mm Rosè
7 mm RUM (Remington Ultra Magnum) 0.284 " 0.317 " 0.550 " 0.532 " 2.850 " 3.600 "
7 mm Shooting Times Easterner 0.284 "
7 mm STW (Shooting Times Westerner) 0.284 " 0.315 " 0.513 " 0.532 " 2.850 " 3.600 "
7 mm Super Express vom Hofe
7 mm TCU (Thompson / Center Ugalde) 0.284 "
7 mm Weatherby Magnum 0.284 " 0.312 " 0.511 " 0.530 " 2.550 " 3.250 "
7 mm WSM (Winchester Short Magnum) 0.284 " 0.321 " 0.555 " 0.535 " 2.100 "
7 mm Zentile
7 Penna 0.277 " 0.310 " 0.313 " 0.313 " 0.910 " 1.360 "
7 x 33 Sako 0.286 " 0.311 " 0.375 " 0.394 " 1.312 " 1.750 "
7 x 44 Penna
7 x 49 GJW 0.284 " 1.929 " 2.894 "
7 x 50 R
7 x 57 0.285 " 0.325 " 0.473 " 0.476 " 2.244 " 3.071 "
7 x 57 Ackley Improved 0.285 " 0.473 " 0.476 " 2.244 " 3.071 "
7 x 57 R 0.285 "
7 x 61 Super
7 x 64 0.285 " 0.313 " 0.425 " 0.467 " 0.470 " 2.520 " 3.307 "
7 x 65 R 0.284 "
7 x 67 R Luyven
7 x 72 R
7 x 75 R SE.v. H.
7.21 Firebird
7.5 FK 0.307 " 0.335 " 0.425 " 0.425 " 0.425 " 1.063 " 1.378 "
7.5 Ord. Suisse
7.5 x 54 MAS 0.309 "
7.5 x 55 Suisse 0.306 " 0.335 " 0.496 " 0.498 " 2.189 " 3.059 "
7.62 Nagant 7.910 " 0.286 " 0.352 " 0.388 " 1.530 " 1.530 "
7.62 UKM
7.62 x 25 Tokarev 0.308 " 0.334 " 0.387 " 0.392 " 0.984 " 1.386 "
7.62 x 39 0.311 " 0.339 " 0.447 " 0.447 " 1.524 " 2.205 "
7.62 x 45 0.308 " 0.341 " 0.445 " 0.445 " 1.772 " 2.362 "
7.62 x 51 mm 0.308 " 0.345 " 0.470 " 0.473 " 2.015 " 2.800 "
7.62 x 53 R 0.309 " 0.337 " 0.489 " 0.567 " 2.106 " 3.031 "
7.62 x 54 R 0.312 " 0.336 " 0.487 " 0.567 " 2.115 " 3.038 "
7.63 Mauser 0.309 " 0.333 " 0.388 " 0.393 " 0.990 " 1.370 "
7.65 Long
7.65 mm Browning 0.313 " 0.337 " 0.337 " 0.358 " 0.680 " 0.984 "
7.65 Parabellum 0.309 " 0.332 " 0.391 " 0.393 " 0.850 " 1.175 "
7.65 x 53 Argentine 0.313 " 0.346 " 0.473 " 0.474 " 2.110 " 2.992 "
7.7 x 58 mm ARISAKA 0.311 " 0.318 " 0.472 " 0.470 " 2.270 " 3.130 "
7.82 Warbird
7.92 x 24 VBR
7.92 x 33 kurz 0.324 " 0.358 " 0.470 " 0.470 " 1.299 " 1.890 "
7mm Dakota 0.284 " 0.315 " 0.531 " 0.545 " 0.545 " 2.500 "
7mm International Rimmed 0.284 "
7x45mm INGRAM (7mm x 223 Improved) 0.284 "
7x61mm Sharpe & Hart 0.284 " 0.532 " 2.394 " 3.270 "
8 mm - 06 0.300 " 0.340 " 0.471 " 0.473 " 2.494 " 3.340 "
8 mm – 348 Winchester
8 mm Gasser 0.319 " 0.337 " 0.339 " 0.381 " 1.063 " 1.417 "
8 mm Lebel 0.327 " 0.348 " 0.542 " 0.630 " 1.988 " 2.953 "
8 mm Remington Magnum 0.323 " 0.355 " 0.513 " 0.532 " 2.850 " 3.600 "
8 mm Steyr 0.321 " 0.346 " 0.348 " 0.348 " 0.734 " 1.142 "
8 x 50 R
8 x 51 (Mauser K)
8 x 51 R Lebel
8 x 56 Mannlicher–Schoenauer
8 x 56 R M30S 0.329 " 0.362 " 0.491 " 0.553 " 2.190 " 2.989 "
8 x 56 R M89 Port. Krop.
8 x 57 I
8 x 57 IR
8 x 57 IRS 0.324 "
8 x 57 IS 0.324 " 0.357 " 0.431 " 0.470 " 0.470 " 2.244 " 3.228 "
8 x 57 PCC
8 x 57 R 360
8 x 58 R
8 x 60
8 x 60 R
8 x 60 RS
8 x 60 S 0.324 " 0.357 " 0.472 " 0.470 " 2.362 " 3.291 "
8 x 64
8 x 64 S 0.324 " 0.353 " 0.470 " 0.472 " 2.520 " 3.445 "
8 x 65 R
8 x 65 RS
8 x 68 S 0.324 " 0.360 " 0.524 " 0.512 " 2.657 " 3.425 "
8 x 72 R
8 x 75 RS
8 x 75 S
8.15 x 46 R
8.2 x 53 R
8.5 mm Messner Magnum
8.5 x 55 Blaser
8.5 x 63
8.5 x 63 R
8.5 x 68 Fanzoj
8.5 x 75 R Scheiring
9 mm Browning court (.380 ACP) 0.355 " 0.373 " 0.374 " 0.374 " 0.680 " 0.984 "
9 mm Browning long 0.379 " 0.380 " 0.404 " 0.790 " 1.100 "
9 mm FAR
9 mm Flobert à balle
9 mm Flobert à plombs Carton
9 mm Flobert à plombs Metal
9 mm FX & CQT
9 mm Luger 0.355 " 0.380 " 0.391 " 0.392 " 0.754 " 1.169 "
9 mm Makarov 0.365 " 0.390 " 0.392 " 0.392 " 0.713 " 0.984 "
9 mm Mauser 0.355 " 0.390 " 0.980 " 1.290 "
9 mm Steyr 0.356 " 0.379 " 0.382 " 0.382 " 0.913 " 1.299 "
9 x 18
9 x 20 VGW
9 x 21 0.356 " 0.379 " 0.391 " 0.392 " 0.833 " 1.171 "
9 x 22 MJR
9 x 23 Winchester 0.356 " 0.381 " 0.391 " 0.394 " 0.900 " 1.300 "
9 x 25 Super Auto G
9 x 39 0.393 " 0.447 " 0.447 " 2.200 "
9 x 53 R 0.388 " 0.489 " 0.570 " 2.100 " 2.670 "
9 x 56 Mannlicher–Schoenauer
9 x 57 0.360 " 0.390 " 0.470 " 0.470 " 2.240 " 3.190 "
9 x 57 R
9.3 RSM
9.3 x 53 R Finnish
9.3 x 57
9.3 x 62 0.366 " 0.391 " 0.476 " 0.470 " 2.441 " 3.291 "
9.3 x 64 Brenneke 0.366 " 0.395 " 0.507 " 0.496 " 2.520 " 3.370 "
9.3 x 66 Sako 0.366 "
9.3 x 72 R
9.3 x 74 R 0.366 " 0.390 " 0.409 " 0.469 " 0.526 " 2.925 " 3.600 "
9.5 x 57 Mannlicher–Schoenauer 0.376 " 2.244 "
9.5 x 66 Super Express vom Hofe