Load Data for 6.5 - 300 Weatherby Magnum

Bullet: 140 gr Match Burner  (Barnes)
Diameter: 0.264"
Powder: IMR 7977 (Improved Military Rifle)
Starting Powder: 70.4 gr
Max Powder: 75.7 gr
Primer: FED 215
Case: Weatherby
Trim Length: 2.815"
Cartridge Overall Length: 3.600"
Starting Velocity: 2,927
Starting Pressure:  
Max Velocity: 3,155
Max Pressure:  
**Data was tested out of a SAAMI spec 24” barrel. Most rifles chambered in this cartridge will have 26” barrels. Users may see an increase in velocity out of barrels longer than 24”
Barrel: 24" with 1:8" twist.
Source: https://www.barnesbullets.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/6.5-300WBY.pdf

Printed from Shooter's Reference on 02/01/2025: