Load Data for .223 Remington

Bullet: 85.5 gr Long Range Hybrid Target  (Berger Bullets)
Powder: N540 (VihtaVuori)
Starting Powder: 22.8 gr
Max Powder: 24.7 gr
Primer:  Small Rifle
Case: Lapua
Trim Length: 1.752"
Cartridge Overall Length:  
Starting Velocity: 2,523
Starting Pressure:  
Max Velocity: 2,746
Max Pressure:  
5) The cartridge overall length exceeds the CIP maximum.
Barrel: 25" with 1 in 12" twist.
Source: https://www.vihtavuori.com/reloading-data/rifle-reloading/?cartridge=7

Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/12/2025: